Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This morning, my 3-year old told me she wishes her eyebrows were green. And since wishes tend to be on the crazy side, I thought, hmmm, for what do I wish?

Here are just a few things on my wish list:

1. I wish Caribou delivered. And honestly, if that company had any brains, it would start a delivery service pronto.

2. I wish the cleaning fairy existed. She'd be the big girl version of the tooth fairy, in my book.

3. I wish my husband could read my mind. It would be so much easier for all of us.

4. I wish my children could answer the question "WHY?!?!" when I ask.

5. I wish money grew on trees...or at least one tree...that happened to be in my backyard...and invisible to everyone but me.

6. I wish motherhood came with some sort of manual. I've never been a fan of gambling. And if this ain't a crap shoot, I don't know what is.

7. I wish time had a rewind and fast forward I could fast forward to retirement on the days I really need too...or rewind to a day when all I had to do was snuggle a baby all day long. I think it would help keep things in perspective.

8. I wish I knew all the answers.

9. I wish I could always shield my kids from harm...always.

10. I wish I knew what the future will bring.

Wishes are great. They give hope to your dreams and a break to the day-to-day. And if nothing else, they give you a little added hope for the future.

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