Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Subtle Cabal

So, Mr. Morgan and I (temorgan.blogspot.com) actually know each other. Crazy, right? We met through Early Childhood Family Education classes offered through our school district. Our oldest kids are the same age and were in several ECFE classes together. We've done the play dates, the "please god, can you watch the kids for me while I run somewhere", the Happy Meal meet-ups. So, if you ever wondered, he and I are real actual people and we even know where the other one lives! Crazy! Even crazier? Our sons have the same birthday! He likes to say I didn't like him when I first met him, but I just figured him out really fast. I knew he was an introvert and very quiet, so I just let him hang out before I trapped him in my own introverted, writer wannabe web. It's worked out well for me. I think he'd agree. And I've met his wife and they've both been to my house for kiddo birthday parties, so it's nothing weird.

So, last year, our oldests were in preschool together and we were out of the ECFE loop. This year, we scheduled the boys for the same ECFE class, so we'd have at least one friendly face in the crowd. You know how a new group can be, especially a new group of moms...you better have your game face on or you could get eaten. You're either in or you're out, and since I've never joined a Mom's Club kind of thing, and he's not allowed to, we've kind of both been out. We've made that decision, but I don't know if the other moms know that. Sometimes we get the pity eyes.

Well, we go to the first class of the session and there's definitely a certain "group" of moms. I tend to watch and listen to people before taking part in conversations. And I did a lot of watching and listening the first class. There was the first-time mom with the active, not-yet-speaking son, who was slightly overwhelmed. There was the mom with the newborn and the 2-year old daughter. The 2 year-old was a genius and could do not wrong...and yet she had a penchant for stealing my pen and writing on my papers during "parent time" which her mom though was just adorable. Then there was the mom of another daughter...this one is a genius. She knows all her colors, speaks fluent French and dresses herself every morning. Then there was the mom with her son, who really likes to talk, but for some reason, rarely rubbed me wrong. And then there was Mr. Morgan and I. Our boys don't talk much, but they play, have fun and understand what we tell them. My boy is my third (and last) kid and his is his second, so I think it's fair to say we have slightly different expectations of them than we did the first-borns.

After class, the group of moms with the perfect kids acquired a nickname. The Slut Cabal. I will say that I did not name them. That is all.

So, we continued to meet week after week, and gradually I started talking during parent time, and Mr. Morgan occasionally put in his two cents. I think I scared the other women when I spoke, but Morgan usually had something insightful and wonderful that made all the ladies nod in wonderment. Typical dude in a room full of ladies.

Well, the weeks went by, and we're drawing near to the end of the session, I've come to realize The Slut Cabal was pulling back a bit. During class they still accentuate the fact their kids know all the colors (and how to spell them), and pretend like their kid didn't just wipe a booger on the table or dump a load in his/her diaper. But during parent time, the walls have come down a bit. You can see the mom with the newborn is naturally upbeat (or on speed). You can see the mom of the genius is tired. Her husband works crazy hours to support the family and she's doing what she can to get by, even if it's obnoxious at times. And even though I sometimes scare the other parents, with my sassy and off-track comments, I think we've come to understand each other a little better. And with this understanding, and in case The Slut Cabal is in a different group next time, I've decided to rename them.

The Subtle Cabal.

Give them a few tries before you make your final decision. Everyone puts on a party face, right?


  1. Way to keep an open mind. I"m a little terrified of what you thought of me the first time you saw me.

    First impressions do their job, they tell us when to run away, it's the other impressions that need to be looked at and second guessed.

    Way to run blog 2!!!
    Steph Becken :)

  2. Steph, I thought your kid was a genius and I was thoroughly impressed. Still am.

    I'm a big believer in first impressions, but the older I get, the more I realize, hey, maybe they're just as tired as I am!

  3. Good one. I agree, obviously, that we have all reached an understanding.

  4. As parents we all need to give each other a break and help when we can, but if we eventually find out they are really just baddies, run like hell in the other direction.


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