Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Write on Edge

I've been following a new page: Write on Edge

I've been following this page in hopes of getting my lazy (ok, not actually lazy, because I am home with 3 kids, doing some freelance work, there's piles of laundry, everyone insists on eating, blah, blah, blah) ass working on writing on a regular basis.

This is my virgin prompt for Write on Edge. This week, they asked us to write a title and tagline for ourselves, for some moment in time, either now or some time in the past.

Here goes:

The Mommy Monologues
Because I spend a lot of time talking to myself.

What do you think?


  1. I loved this. I can relate. My husband always makes fun of me when I talk to myself, but I just come back at him and say, "I can't help it if I'm a really fun person to talk to."

  2. You too? I like to pretend that I'm really talking to the dog but somehow that isn't any more reassuring. My sanity is in question daily.

  3. hi there....first time to your blog by way of WOE..and I love it. I think it's exactly "right".

    Mommies talk to themselves quite a bit, even when others should be listening. ;)

  4. I love it!

    Funny and succinct!

    Welcome to Write on Edge - its the best!

  5. I like it! Though with my chatty four year old, I can't get a word in edgewise ;)

    Welcome to Write on Edge!

  6. Love it. Perfect. It says, I talk to myself, I may or may not have answers, right or wrong. I ponder, I wonder. Perfect.

  7. I love it!! It's too true too. My son has asked me "Who are you talking to?" before. LOL.

    It's great to meet you.

  8. Wow! So nice of you all to comment! And so nice to meet you all (well, I already know Nana...she's my mom). Thanks for welcoming me to the fold. Looking forward to whatever comes next!

  9. Hee hee. I spend a lot of time talking to myself. Probably because I'm just used to the little beings in my house tuning me out. ;-)

    This was my first WOE prompt, too!

  10. Yay! Another virgin! Start small, right? ;)

  11. Great title and tagline. I can totally relate to this.

  12. Isn't that the truth? So much of early motherhood, and even later on motherhood, is the time when we feel like we're talking the walls. I love how you're sharing your stories with us; we're listening.

  13. Very nice, and welcome to the family. Good first post.

  14. Alison, Nancy and Banker Chick - thank you! And thank you for reading!

  15. Can definitely relate. Although sometimes we're just on our bluetooths.


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