Saturday, March 27, 2010

More Changes

I don't know about you, but my life changed drastically once my kids entered the picture. I went the traditional route in many ways: grade school, high school, college, work, momentary panic about what I was going to do with my life, grad school, wedding and kids. But no matter what path you take, I'm fairly certain that when kids enter your world, you're in store for some major life changes. We looked at a few changes yesterday. Here are a few more:


BC: I worked constantly. All the time. It was rare that I wasn't working at least 2 jobs. And I had money.

AC: I still work constantly. All the time. I'm not really sure how many jobs I actually have on a daily basis, but I do know this...I have NO money. For some reason, nobody pays me to be a mom. Something is very wrong with this picture.


BC: Because I worked constantly, I had money. Money to pay my bills and money to buy what I wanted, when I wanted it. I had a savings account. I had a credit card that wasn't maxed out. I had cash in my pocket on a daily basis and didn't blink an eye at buying that 2nd latte at the local coffee shop.

AC: I have no money. I now have to consider whether or not I REALLY want something and if it's going to be worth the purchase in the long run. Money used to be fun - it got me stuff I wanted. Now, money is no fun - it pays the bills. Bills are for the birds.


BC: Milk was something I was supposed to drink to make me grow big and strong.

AC: Milk is something I produce after I attach myself to the milking machine several times a day.


BC: Food was something I enjoyed. I liked to go to new restaurants and cook new recipes. I considered myself a foodie and wasn't one of those girls you took on a date and watched eat a salad with no dressing.

AC: Food is something I pick up off the floor. And wipe off faces. And clean from hair and ears. Food is something I rarely eat at the temperature at which it was intended. Food is something I have to be careful not to make condemning statements about, for fear the children will not eat it. Food is akin to money these days.


BC: I babysat in grade school. I thought babies were cute, but they never really did anything for me. I had no intentions of having children.

AC: Not only did I have children, I had 3 of them! And as crazy as they can make me on a minute to minute basis, I honestly (and, yes, I know everyone says this) can't imagine my life without them. I haven't been a mom for very long (3 1/2 years), but I feel like I've been one for my whole life. My kids are beautiful, hysterical, difficult little geniuses.

And every word of that last sentence is the god's honest truth. Just ask Nana.

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