Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How Many Hats?

I take my girls to classes at the community education center three days a week. During each class, there's a nice little added bonus of parent discussion time. I was not aware of this feature when I signed up for the classes, but I find myself looking forward to them now. It gives the parents a chance to discuss current issues, do a little ranting and/or raving, and ask questions of the other parents. Each parent, as each child, is in a completely different situation; we've got a stay-at-home dad, a couple stay-at-home moms, some moms that work, etc.

Each week, there's a different topic. This past week, the question on the table was "How many hats do you wear?" Some of the parents had short lists, some had longer lists, but I think the vast majority had one thing in common - we didn't actually realize how many hats we truly have.

Here's a sample list of my hats, in no particular order: wife, mother, sister (in-law), daughter (in-law), granddaughter, niece, friend, personal shopper, chauffeur, cook, menu planner, scheduler, amateur runner, creative person wannabe, reader, semi-writer, laundress, jungle gym, yadda, yadda, yadda...

Now, I think the question is a great one, and really gives one pause to think. And so, dear reader, I ask you, how many hats do you wear? And, do you wear them all willingly? Are there hats you'd like to wear in the near or distant future?

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