Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hunting Widow

It's been a while, dear readers. I apologize. But I also have a 3-year old, a 2-year old and another one on the way, so I can only keep up with so much at this point. I'm sure you understand.

It's that time of year again...hunting season. This year, hunting season is a tough one for me. I know my husband LOVES to hunt and basically lives for this time of year. I know he works his tail off for us and has a really tough job and certainly deserves to have a break. But when the weekends roll around, I'm in desperate need of a buffer these days, and hunting season simply does not comply with my needs. The hubby and I have worked out a pretty good system so far, but it's still tough on the weekends he's not around, because all the days essentially run into each other and then it's the start of a new week already.

It gets tiring, frustrating, boring, irritating...but then the hubby rolls in on Sunday evening with a truck full of monster-sized pumpkins for the girls and plans for the following weekend that involve my mother-in-law agreeing to watch the girls while I stay home and do whatever I want. Makes the crazy weekend a little more bearable in hindsight. And makes me think the hubby just might be able to read minds after all.

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